
Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Space Probe Runs Out Of Battery

Remember the probe that landed on a distant comet recently? Well it has run out of battery power.
The Philae lander sent data back to earth but it run out of battery power and went to standby mode. It lost power because of the lack of light. It is pressed up against a cliff covered in shadows so it can not get enough light on it’s solar panels to recharge.  Researchers hope that the probe can recharge soon and continue it’s work on the comet.


I think that this must be frustrating for the researchers and I also hope that it can continue with its work. It would be cool if the probe recharges and sent more data back to earth.

Attribution Kiwikids News

Common Favourite Colour

What is your favourite colour?
Have you ever wondered what the most common colour in the world is. Well here is your answer - BLUE!
The popular colour has many different meanings depending on the shade of the colour.
Dark blue – trust, dignity, intelligence and authority
Bright blue – cleanliness, strength, dependability and coolness
Light blue – peace, serenity and infinity
Surprised that blue is the most common favourite colour?

My favourite colour is blue and I am totally surprised that it is the most common colour in the world. It is cool that the colour Blue has different meanings.

Attribution Kiwikids News

Monday, 17 November 2014

Favourite Film From The Manaiakalani Film Festival

My favourite movie from the Manaiakalani film festival was from Stonefield School and it was called I am waiting. I am waiting was based around people getting bullied. Her aspect was to speak for those who could not speak for themselves and to empower others to find their voice and speak out against bullying.
Screenshot 2014-11-14 at 10.27.33 AM.png

I really enjoyed watching all of the movies but this one was my favourite because it was talking about bullying and encouraging people to stand up for themselves. I really liked her poem and I think it was very well written.